BSA Troop818

How to help your Scout

How to Pack

Traveling with Troop 818

 Suggested Equipment List

Scout Essentials

The Scout Essentials should be brought by each Scout on each campout.

Packing List

 Consult the Boy Scout Handbook or Scout Field Book for complete information on appropriate equipment for most types of camping.  Here are some guidelines about special Troop 818 requirements and rules. As a Scout gains experience they will develop their own preferences and learn what they can do without.

Sleeping Gear

Hammock Gear


Eating Utensils

Each Scout will need to provide their own "mess kit" and eating utensils.

Personal Hygiene


Extras and Optional

Long Term Camping (Summer Camp)

 Items that are recommended to make your summer camp experience more enjoyable.

Scouts and leaders should bring your uniforms

When to wear Class A

Tips and Tricks

What to pack

Winter Camping Tips

How to dress for cold weather

Sleeping in cold weather

Eating in cold weather


When You Get Home


 Do's, Dont's and Conditional's


Do Not’s


Troop Equipment

Troop 818 is fortunate to have a large inventory of backpacks, backpacking tents, as well as cooking utensils, stoves, hammocks, rain flies, etc.  It is the Scout’s responsibility to take care of this equipment.  Scouts checking out troop equipment for personal use should make sure items are not left behind and properly prepared for storage (e.g. packed well, dried thoroughly, etc.).  Troop equipment is checked out the Monday before a campout with preference given to the younger Scouts.  A three-ring notebook is provided in the Scout Hut where the equipment is stored.  A Scout interested in checking out equipment must sign the register in the presence of the troop Quartermaster or his patrol Quartermaster.  Only backpacks can be taken home before the actual campout.  All equipment should be returned no later than the Monday meeting following the activity.  The troop Quartermaster and patrol Quartermaster will inspect the condition of all the checked-out equipment after campouts. Any equipment not returned by a Scout will be charged to his Scout account.